Buzzard Meeting Notes (taken from the Buzzards list)

The largest number of members ever showed up and the creek was cleaned up in no time, about an hour. The weather was fine but only two flights were possible earlier in the morning, then a front moved in. Thanks for coming everybody.

Joe Bartnick (Kraut) drove from Roanoke, donated a bench for the LZ and put up some Streamers. Thanks Joe!

Steve Studer got the prize for the longest trip, from Wilmington. 5 hrs one way. He also brought the largest chain saw.

Lot's of Hang gliders were seen on vehicles parked in the LZ. Beautiful sight.

The HG/PG attendance was a great 50/50 ratio and the meeting began with a report on the treasury that revealed a comfortable account balance of $2200.00. It was discussed that some improvements needed to be made at Hibriten and some PG pilots wanted to explore the possibilities for flying there again. The LZ lease at Moore had been paid from the buzzard funds. The lease for the launch at Moore is pending at the moment and Ben Burrill suggested to just let it rest and wait for Ty/Shirley to approach us. The only complaint by the Landowners at present is the gate being left open.

Some folks volunteered their services. They are:

Vince Furrer- HG liaison (don't call him the pres.) and HG treasurer

David Smith- Site monitor Hibriten Mtn

Chris and Tammy- PG Liaison

Paul Pearce- site monitor Moore Mtn

Sam Wampler- Webmaster
Sam volunteered to host and rework the buzzard club website with member info online and future online registration. The site will be updated with more info on the flying and some guidelines. Thanks Sam!

Sam will also keep the membership roster.

Bill Jenkins- PG Treasurer (he volunteered in absence)

Most folks renewed their membership, those two pilots that did get the flights earlier incidentally did not, must have been some gnarly air.. So now is the time, please mail your check for $35.00 to Bill Jenkins if your wing is soft and to Vince Furrer if it has aluminum in it.. Bill and Vince will forward every members info to Sam who is updating the Roster. [Make checks payable to "The Buzzard Club," and mail to Bill Jenkins, P.O. Box 1626, Blowing Rock, NC 28605]

It was mentioned that some of the membership roster did not have complete information, please make sure your address, phone number, e-mail and emergency contact info is up to date and included with your check! A new membership card will be mailed or handed to you.

The plan is to have everybody's info available on the club's website (accessible only by members) to make things easier. If you object to that let Sam know or send a note with your check.

Probably due to the increasing number of pilots some mishaps resulted in tree landings last year and the consensus was to quietly exit the tree if there are no injuries. Ropes are good to have in the harness.

After it was agreed to keep the dues the same at $35.00 it was discussed that the Fly-in should be a little less complex with lower fees. So this years fly-in will have less stuff and a $25.00 fee that covers the cost and the competition and Dart Tournament. T Shirts and the Chicken Dinner will be separate. A huge surprise will be happening during the dinner. You have to be there to believe it.

More Volunteers are needed for small tasks before and during the Fly-in. Things like buying soda ("pop" for you guys from Ohio) and other supplies. Keeping scores, launch marshalls and so on.

Paul volunteered his wife to come up with a T-shirt design. Thanks Alli!

Communication between PG's and HG's was excellent, the best meeting we ever had. No friction whatsoever. Great! It was mentioned that some simple courtesy rules (besides ridge rules) should be observed when the ridge is crowded and at the Fly-in.

Anybody else that was there please help me out with anything I might have not mentioned.

Windtalker news: The keys are finally in the mail so I should be able to go and find out soon why the thing is not working.

Fly Roanoke