Jim Parker, after a flight from the snow covered
launch at St. Moritz, Switzerland
Chris gets the first flight at Morgantown.
Welcome to "Fly Roanoke," a resource for paraglider and hang glider pilots
in the vicinity of Roanoke, Virginia (USA). We have current weather and forecasts,
pictures, links, and flying tips.
To fly at Morgantown, NC, please complete the Burke Mountain Waiver
(a Microsoft Word document) and send it to the LZ landowner whose address is listed at the bottom of
the waiver.
Big Walker (The Emerald Valley launch) is open. Financial contributions towards the new launch
(bulldozer rental, etc.) are still welcome and may be paid to "SWVHGPA" c/o Richard Cobb, 306 Eakin St. SE,
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Eagle Rock is undergoing renovations. May be flown "invitation only." Joe's in charge.