Eagle Rock was opened by Joe Bartnick and the NW side first flown in January, 2002. This first NW site was to
the NE of the current NW site, and privately owned, with Joe managing permissions and access. Potential for a SE site
was also recognized. The site was cleared and first flown the same day (January 25) as the 2002 Skywacker meeting. Here are photos
and descriptions of the first day, from Kermon Carter's FlyRoanoke site.
In late 2002 Joe
bought some property to develop a SE site, which was also being flown by early 2003, if not before.
The first NW launch, November 2003 FlyIn
NW launch, November 2003
Launching NW side, November 2003
Launching the first SE site, November 2003
New Management
In 2003 Joe sold the property with the first SE launch and bought adjacent property. Joe sold this property
to Larry Dennis in 2004. The first site continued to be flown for some time until Larry's site was developed.
It is still owned by Larry in 2024, and is the current SE facing site.
The Skywacker Club also took over management of the NW site, which was not owned by a pilot.
In April 2007 the SE site was improved with the use of heavy equipment, to lengthen and widen the launch area. This was
partially paid by Club funds and the rest by donations.
SE launch grading, April 2007
Following up on the dozer work
This is the second and current SE launch, a month after the site had been
improved using heavy equipment, May 2007.
May 2007 Fly In, flying from the newly improved SE launch. The launch
has been widened and lengthened.
May 2008 Fly In, SE launch
May 2008 Fly In, 6 gliders above SE launch
The original NW launch in 2007 (facing to the left)
Launching the original NW site, 2007
Phil Givens launching from the original NW site, 2009
Crawford Mountain, home of the Eagle Rock flying sites. SE launch is visible,
NW launch is behind the ridge, to the right of the tower (2008)
Site Improvements
Larry Dennis, with assistance (labor and financial) from the Skywackers Club, has made a number of substantial improvements.
In 2009, a small
field directly below the SE launch was enlarged and smoothed. It has been known as both the "Bailout" and Alternate LZ.
Only a few hundred feet below takeoff, it allows for fast turn around.
In 2011 Larry Dennis bought property for a new NW launch. This is located to the SW of the previous NW launch, almost
at the base of the communications tower.
Once again, much labor and heavy equipment was needed to develop this site. It is the current (2024) NW site.
Improving the SE side "Bailout LZ", 2009
Gliders are on the original NW site, at top, with the freshly cleared
opening for the new NW site in the foreground. June, 2011
Clearing the new NW launch, May 2011
Spreading hay on the freshly graded NW launch, 2011
Sign at the 2013 Eagle Rock Fly In
The new NW launch at the 2013 Fly In
The SE launch is directly below the pilot, Richard Cobb. To
the right of that is the Bailout LZ. The new NW LZ is just past the
base of the communications tower, and the original NW LZ in the bowl
just above that.
Launching from the new NW launch, 2013 Fly In
Paragliding Duet at the 2013 Fly In (NW launch)
At the 2014 Meeting Larry Dennis was presented with the Club's Boo Waa
Award for his many contributions.
SE launch at 2016 Fly In, grass fully established
2018 Fly In, SE launch visible behind the hang glider
Ma and Paw's diner in Eagle Rock was a 20-year site tradition for breakfast at a Fly In. The owners retired and closed
in September 2023, but it is open again with new owners.
SE launch - 2019
Eagle Rock is waiting for you to fly - see the Eagle Rock Site Guide page for all you need to know.