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Forms And Member Resources

Membership Forms & Waivers

Membership Forms The is a membership information/application form and a Waiver in this PDF file: MembershipForms.pdf
The best option is to right-click on the link and select "save as" to download it first before opening it.
Note new address info on the form. Dues will be decided at the April 6 meeting.

Roanoke Mountain was flown regularly back in the days of the RVHGA but it has not been flown in recent (15 or 20) years. It is not a managed site by any club.. Few LZ's existed when it was last flown, and none were safely reachable by a paraglider. There are now fewer potential LZs because of development, and the launch would require substantial work to be useable. The US Park Service required an annual permit. The permit application forms and information are provided here for historical reference, although it is unknown whether the Park Service would still recognize them: Roanoke Mountain Forms and Information

Club Roster

The latest version of the club roster and contact information will be maintained here, along with the date of the last update. As with the club forms, this is also a zip file: which was last updated
It is password protected with the password available to all current members (it will be changed each year).
If you are a current member, enter your email address below and the password will be emailed to you. (Also includes Photo Gallery login info):

Member Email Address:

Landowner Liability - information for Landowners

Our priviledge to fly depends largely on the good nature of the landowners who give us permission to use their property. Unfortunately in this age the concern of exposure to a lawsuit is a very real concern that might prevent many from granting us permission who would otherwise be willing to do so. A number of states have passed laws to protect landowners from these sorts of lawsuits. In general this protection applies only when there is no money involved (or limited to small amounts) Here are the particulars for states in this area (note: one or another of these states likes to change their links every few weeks - especially West Virginia - so if one is not working drop me a line and I'll update it - again. I've finally also given up and made .pdf copies of each statue, so if the link doesn't work today you can still read the statute and maybe have some clues as to how to find it on the state site):

(updated March 26, 2024)

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